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Meet our "EyeMazing" Staff!! We are here to assist you with all your eye needs. 

Hello, I am Gerardo Noriega, O.D, an Optometric Glaucoma

Specialist. I have been practicing since 1993. I completed my

Optometic training at the University of Houston School of

Optometry. Prior to Optometry School, I received my Bachelor

of Science in Biology from Texas Lutheran University in 1989. 


Besides doing routine Optometric care (obtaining prescriptions

for glasses and contacts), I treat eye infections/inflammations/

abrasions, allergies, dry eyes, styes, foreign body removals,

LASIK co-management and nonsurgical corrective refractive therapy. I can diagnose glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, macula degeneration and other retinal diseases.


I have been married since 1994 and have been blessed with a daughter, grandson, and two Shih Tzus. My hobbies and interests are my family, being an active member of the ProLife Movement, bonzais, reading history, and learning trivia.

Dr. Gerardo R. Noriega

Our staff


Optician/Office Manager

Sam was born in Mexico City and is currently attending San Antonio College in pursue of her degree in Nursing and hopes to work in the NICU. Sam attended and graduated from Madison High School. She is also the mother to a beautiful 8 year old little boy. She is also obsessed with giraffes. 


Optician/Lab Manager

Samuel is our dedicated lab manager and puppy-owner at the optical. He recently added a beagle to his family of four. 


Optician/Lab Assistant/Website Designer



Jennifer is attending Trinity University where she majors in Mathematical Finance with a minor in Economics. She is interested in becoming an Actuary, hopefully working at USAA in the future. She has done our Christmas card artwork for the past few years as well as website updates. She has two shih-tzus named Puffy and Patty.

Jordan is attending the University of Texas at San Antonio where she is majoring in Nutrition and Dietetics. She also was very involved in band in high school where she played the Tenor Sax. She has a goat named Luna Lilly Pottergoat

Oliver "Oli" 

Office Mascot

Our youngest and most dedicated employee/student intern. Although he is still in training, he is a very fast learner. He helps provide stress relief for all of our staff with a little smile and "guh" noise. He is our translator for baby to adult language so that we can fully assist our infant customers. He will stay under our employment until he attends an institute of higher learning. 

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